Start by reading this quote: “There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of the birds; in the ebb and flow of the tides, responding to sun and moon as they have done for millions of years; in the repose of the folded bud in winter, ready within its sheath for spring. There is something infinitely healing in these repeated refrains of nature, the assurance that night after night, dawn comes, and spring after winter.”
– Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson was an ecologist, an important nature writer and is often credited as being one of the founders of the environmental movement.

In your sit spot today:
• Think about the things that happen in nature that are repeated or predictable.
• Can you think of some examples like the author did? Write or draw about some things in nature that you know will happen on a regular basis, whether it is every year, every season or even every day.
• Do you agree with the author that it is healing or calming to know what is happening in the natural world? Why or why not?