Summer Solstice

As an introduction to the Summer Solstice theme, students can take the time to reflect and show gratitude for our Sun!
Grades: K-7
Seasons: All
Time: 10-20 minutes
Supplies: Nature Journal or the “Sun Journal” template (page 2), pencil, eraser.
Lesson Plan PDF

“When the Sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.”

– Wilma Rudolph

In your special sit spot today (hopefully in the sunshine), take the time to draw and/or write the ways in which you are grateful for the Sun. Here are some guided questions to get your thoughts flowing:

• How does the Sun look and feel to you when it’s shining?

• How does the Sun help animals and plants?

• Does the Sun look the same in different seasons of the year? At different times of the day?

• Would the world look or be different if there was no Sun at all?

• Write as many words as you can that describe the Sun (think of all 5 senses).

• And finally, why do you love the Sun?

Sun Journal:

Using the journal prompts in the lesson plan and the image on the next page, jot down your thoughts about the Sun in the sun’s rays. Use the centre of the Sun to draw or write what the Sun means to you.

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