Photo: Howard P Smith

Contact us

Address: 2 – 495 Wallinger Ave, Kimberley, BC V1A 1Z6

Phone: 250-427-9325


For education programs, please contact
Get in touch with your local Wildsight branch.

Please feel free to get in touch with us at anytime.

Please note that our office is located on the second floor of a building with only steep stairs as access. We regret that these stairs are not accessible for all mobilities, but will happily meet you at an alternative and accessible location. Please contact us in advance to arrange this and best support your visit. 

Elk Root Conservation Society in the West Kootenay's Slocan Valley is creating a pollinator highway. Pollinator highways are tracts of land dedicated to supporting pollinators (bees, hummingbirds, bats and…Read more 
Have you found yourself sheltering from wasps in the past few weeks? These insects can certainly disrupt our summer activities, however their bad reputation is not fully deserved.Read more 
Alfred Joseph grew up in the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa, in the area of ?akisq’nuk, the area of the two lakes in what is now known as the…Read more 
We’re living in a once-in-a-generation moment here in the Columbia River Basin. After 60 years, Canada and the U.S.Read more 
We’re living in a once-in-a-generation moment here in the Columbia River Basin. After 60 years, Canada and the U.S.Read more 
With fall around the corner and fresh incentives from the B.C. government, forestry companies will be starting to plan their post-wildfire salvage operations — with potentially dire consequences for species and ecosystems.Read more 
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