Earth Day Art

Let’s celebrate this Earth Day by showing our appreciation for our homes and the nature we love.
Grades: K-7
Seasons: All
Time: 30+ minutes
Supplies: Any natural materials you can find in your backyard or favourite nature spot.
Resources: Earth Day Pledge
Lesson Plan PDF

Wildsight invites students to design their own piece of nature art that celebrates “home”. In these challenging times, we hope to inspire gratitude for our home places, and to help us all in ‘Keeping the Wild in Sight”.

Watch this video for a description and inspiration for your Earth Day art from Wildsight educators.


Thinking of what ‘home’ means to you, we invite you to make a piece of art outdoors using natural materials.You can do your work in whatever way makes sense to you: the art can be as big or small, as complicated or simple as you’d like. It can be 2D (flat on the ground) or 3D (like a sculpture).

You can work inside or outside – you can do your work in whatever way makes sense to you. The nature around your home might be as simple as looking out of an open window at your house, or going out into your backyard, or your favourite spot along a nature walk.

Let your imagination go wild while you think about your home place and what that means to you. This is a chance to really appreciate the natural world local to you and for you to unleash your creativity.If nature art doesn’t work, no problem. You can make a drawing or write some words instead as a love letter to the Earth.

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