10 ways to spring into Spring

Spring is a magical time to explore the changes happening all around us in our wild backyards. Here are 10 ways to spring into spring!
Grades: K-7
Seasons: Spring
Lesson Plan PDF

1. Spring Story Walk:

In pairs, head outside on a short nature walk. Ask students to tune in to all of their senses and discuss/observe with their partner and then use the attached storyboard template (page 3) to draw or write a story about their walk.

  • Something that smells like spring
  • Something that looks like spring
  • Something that sounds like spring
  • Something that tastes like spring

2. Spring Scavenger Hunts

A. Opposites:

Use egg cartons for collecting nature objects that have attributes that are opposite to each other. For example: rough/smooth, bright/dull, soft/ hard. Have learners place these items opposite each other in the egg carton. You can also preface the activity by asking students to brainstorm opposites in nature and use their ideas to guide collection

B. Hand-Sized (adapted from Juliet Robertson’s Messy Maths):

Have students find nature objects that are:

  • Smaller than their hand
  • Longer than their little finger
  • Wide as their hand span
  • The size of their thumbnail
  • Something that fits perfectly in their hand

Have students trace their hands on a piece of cardboard and then tape the nature objects on their cardboard hands to display their findings.

C. Signs of Spring Scavenger Hunt

3. Spring Birding

Spring is a wonderful time to see and hear our feathery friends celebrating the arrival of spring. Tune in to the flurry of bird activity by creating a sound map, play a game of bird bingo and record the findings in your nature journal.

4. Tree Tag

This is a great game to have students recall some of the concepts they’ve learned throughout the year.

One player is it. With help from you, they call out a home base, such as “If you are touching a coniferous tree then you’re safe.” If a runner touches the wrong tree, they can be tagged. Additional clues might include: running water, still water, something with a stem, deciduous tree, a fungus, a wildflower, an animal home, etc.

5. Forest Bathing

Use these forest bathing invitations to help students tune in to all of their senses and gain an appreciation for the symphony of the forest.

6. Wildlife Walk

Lingering snow and fresh mud make for incredible wildlife tracking. Put on your nature detective hats and head out for a wildlife tracking walk. Put on your nature detective hats and head out for a wildlife tracking walk. Use the storyboard template to draw or write out the story left behind by our wild neighbours!

7. Bud Buddies

Spring is a special time of changes and transformation! Help students observe and witness the emergence of new life using this Bud Buddy Lesson Plan

8. Bats & Moths Game

Use this game to demonstrate how bats hunt.

  1. Have the students form a circle where they can join hands.
  2. Everyone in the circle are trees that surround an open meadow where the bat hunts insects to eat.
  3. Select two volunteers, one to be the bat, the other the moth.
  4. Blindfold the bat.
  5. The bat claps and the moth claps back as they move about within the circle with the bat trying to tag the moth.
  6. Upon being tagged, the moth becomes the bat and a new moth is chosen.
  7. Play until everyone who wants to gets a chance to be the moth.
  8. Remind everyone that throughout the activity the trees” are the bat’s protectors making sure s/he remains safe within the circle.

9. Crocus Count

Choose a nearby garden to watch everyday and track how many crocuses (or tulips or other spring flowers) are popping up. Make a graph to show the progress. Take photos and create a crocus collage

10. Celebrate Earth Day

On April 22nd (and everyday) celebrate Earth day by showing appreciation and love for the natural world. Make an Earth Day Pledge, create some special earthy art, and wrap up with a gratitude circle where everyone can share a special thank you to the Earth and all it gives us.

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