Nature is amazing at making scenes of great beauty and delight. Why not showcase those beautiful nature-scapes with a frame made out of cardboard or biodegradable material?
Nature is amazing at making scenes of great beauty and delight. Why not showcase those beautiful nature-scapes with a frame made out of cardboard or biodegradable material?
1. Make the frame. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like.
• Gather natural supplies to create or decorate it: sticks, leaves, flowers and maybe even rocks.
• If you’d like to keep it outside for a few days or more, think about how to make it weatherproof. If you’d like to keep it outside forever, please make sure to only use natural and appropriate materials (i.e. sticks, rocks, leaves, etc).
2. Find a place in nature that is very special to you — somewhere you’d like to showcase. Once you’ve hung up or placed your frame, make a drawing or take a picture of the art framed… by your frame!
3. Finally, every great piece of art deserves to be named. What’s your masterpiece’s title?
Extension Activities:
It’s really fun to return frequently to your frame and see how nature’s art has changed. Try to go at different times of the day, if possible, or in different weather, to notice and observe what’s similar and what’s different each time.