Seed Library


Wildsight Elk Valley Branch’s Community EcoGarden has been hosting seed swap events every winter since 2005. Most seeds offered at the seed swaps have come from plants grown in members’ gardens and at the EcoGarden. Over the years, other local gardeners have contributed more seeds to our “stash.” Many seeds represent varieties that have been grown here for several years by these gardeners. They are successfully grown favorite varieties that have adapted to the unique growing conditions in our valley.

Out of this ongoing project, the idea came to establish a seed library to preserve and continue to share these varieties that have adapted to our climate. The mandate of our Seed Library is to preserve and maintain seeds from staple vegetable and edible herb and flower varieties This addresses an aspect of food sovereignty involving access to organic, non-GMO, open-pollinated seed for growing our own food.

All seed varieties in the Library have been grown out in our area for at least two plant-generations. The Library houses a small supply of about 75 plant varieties in a dedicated steel cabinet inside Wildsight’s Local store in Fernie. The cabinet provides the three conditions necessary for long-term seed storage: darkness, dryness and cool temperatures.

Library members who have been trained in seed saving planning and techniques and have adequate garden space are needed to grow out seeds from each variety to keep Library content fresh.


This project needs more gardeners interested in saving seeds! A seed library member will have access to online training workshops, our Seed Strategies workbook, and free access to seeds in the Library. Members are encouraged to work with one or two varieties each year and plan their gardens to give plants being grown for seed the proper isolation distances to prevent unwanted cross-pollinating and allow for minimum plant populations. As a community working together, we can successfully renew and maintain our Library stock. 

New members are welcome! Email if you’re interested.


Since 2021 we have been gardening three 350m long rows, each 1.5m wide on property owned by a Wildsight supporter. In 2023 and 2024 we have used this garden to produce seed for our library and our seed swap. Surplus food produced is sold at the Local Store and donated to the Fernie Fresh Food Share program. Experienced gardeners wishing to get involved with this project can get more information by emailing us.



  • Hands-on Seed Saving Workshops at our Community EcoGarden are planned for August and September. Dates and times will be announced here and on social media.
  • Seedy Saturday, our annual seed swap, will be held on February 22 at the Senior Citizens Drop in Centre in Fernie. This event features access to our community seed stash as well as seed saving, gardening and composting information with experts and visiting vendors. 
  • The EcoGarden publishes a list of seeds currently available from our community stash. Email for the list.
  • Gardeners wanting seeds can order by email and pick up their seed orders at our Local Store at 632 2nd Avenue in Fernie. Cash donations are appreciated and can be made at the time of pickup.



There is a box at the Local Store to receive donations from gardeners of seeds they have grown. Please secure seeds in envelopes labeled with the plant name and variety, year collected, and any additional information available, such as where the original seed came from. These seeds will be germination-tested and added to the community stash.



Plants adapt to the region they grow in. Our seeds thrive in Fernie’s unique, cold climate growing conditions. This seed was grown, saved, cleaned and packed by the Community EcoGarden in Fernie, British Columbia, Canada.

These locally-grown local seed varieties (and others) as well as kits for growing sprouts indoors are available (online and in-store) at Local – 632 2nd Avenue, Fernie BC. 

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Upcoming Elk Valley events

Fernie Seedy Saturday 2025

Saturday, February 22

Fernie Seedy Saturday will showcase the world of seeds for gardeners, nature lovers and plant lovers!

View all events

Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.


Branch Information


632 2nd Ave
PO Box 537,
Fernie, BC V0B 1M0
Phone: 250.423.3322