The launch of Local, Fernie's cooperative approach to food sustainability, took a leap of faith for Wildsight Elk Valley. But that leap led to some great outcomes.
You’re never quite sure what you’re walking into the first time you try something. That was certainly the case for 14 adventurous young adults who applied to be crew members of the inaugural Youth Climate Corps (YCC) in…
Please find enclosed a s.80 Request under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) for an emergency order to stop logging in Federally identified critical habitat of the Southern Mountain Caribou in the Revelstoke Shuswap Local Planning Unit in British…
This was a year of unexpected challenges, and monumental victories. We love taking stock of where we're at now through our annual report; it gives us a chance to reflect on where we've been, and where we're headed.
Jessie Caza (née King) stands at the front of the class, mask on. A classroom of Grade 9 students squirm and fidget as the Wildsight educator recaps what was learned in the session before: What’s the ratio of…
Do you love physical outdoor work, have a passion for the environment and have good communication skills? Wildsight Golden is seeking one qualified person to coordinate ‘Golden’s Community Invasive Plant Program’ and to develop and deliver public education on…
The numbers are staggering; 500 square kilometres of old growth forests are logged every year in BC. Many of these forests in places like the Coastal or Inland Temperate Rainforests are irreplaceable because they have taken hundreds, if not thousands…
Current legislation in British Columbia does not prioritize species at risk such as caribou, nor protect biodiversity and functional ecosystems. Land use continues to be driven by outdated legislation designed to get logs to sawmills, and coal and minerals to market.
The Rocky Mountains are one of the most iconic and biologically significant mountain ranges in the world. Stretching almost 5,000 kilometres from northern British Columbia to the arid reaches of the US Southwest, these spectacular mountains support a vast…