Photo: Hael Somma

Banff Film Fest World Tour 2025

Be moved. Be inspired. Don’t miss out.

Get off the beaten path and explore the edge of believable with captivating stories from the 49th Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival. From exploring remote landscapes to adrenaline-fueled action sports, films selected for the 2024/2025 World Tour are sure to captivate and amaze you. The selected films will be divided into two distinct programs with a weekend pass or single evening tickets being available.


2024-25 Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour comes to Key City Theatre on Friday January 3, & Saturday January 4, 2025!


Single Night Tickets: $30  |  Weekend Pass: $50 
Film line-ups are announced in late December and & may change without notice  |  There is no youth rate available


Watch films, give back.

Hosting the Banff Film Fest World Tour is one of Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook’s biggest fundraisers each year. When you join us for the evening, a portion of the proceeds will help us run our education, conservation, and regeneration initiatives throughout the year! 

About the Banff World Tour

Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour was born from Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival which began in Banff, Alberta. In 1976 a tight-knit group of climbers and outdoor enthusiasts conceived The Banff Festival of Mountaineering Films. This was a one-day gathering that became the renowned international Festival it is today. Over 30 years ago, Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival began an outreach program to bring the Festival to other communities. This has become known as Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour. Like the first festival in Banff, the tour began small — three cities across Canada. Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour now reaches over 40 countries and brings mountain films to an audience of over 550,000 worldwide in approximately 550 locations.

Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for news and updates, or sign up for our branch newsletter.

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Are you a nature enthusiast who loves working with kids? Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook is hiring a Camp Assistant for our Camp Odyssey day camp that…Read More 
Are you curious about environmental sustainability, food security, and community building? If you said “YES!” and are between the ages of 16 and 30, the…Read More 
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Upcoming Kimberley Cranbrook events

Plant-based Potluck

Saturday, February 15

We invite you to join us for a plant-based potluck to share dishes, recipes, and knowledge with members of the Kimberley Cranbrook community!

Climbing and Forest Play Pro-D Day Camp

Tuesday, February 18

Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook is partnering with Spirit Rock Climbing Center for a joint Pro-D Day camp this February 18. The combo camp will have your kids climbing walls and…

East Kootenay Home Retrofit Fair

Saturday, March 1

The EK Home Retrofit Fair will provide education for participants on technologies, strategies and support available locally for your home retrofit project.

Seedy Sunday Kimberley

Sunday, March 2

Whether you're a gardening pro or just starting to get your hands dirty, there is much to be shared, so join us for Seedy SUNDAY to plan for the upcoming growing season and to connect, exchange, and learn!

Co-Community Cleanup 2025

Saturday, April 26

This all-ages event is a fantastic opportunity to get outdoors, team up with family and friends, and do your part to give Cranbrook and Kimberley a spring clean.

View all events

Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.


Branch Information


97 Wallinger Ave
Kimberley, BC V1A 1Y6

Office Hours: Tuesday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:30 pm (by appointment only)
Phone: 250-427-2535