Classroom with Outdoors

Classroom With Outdoors offers B.C.-curriculum-based outdoor education to promote healthy, hands-on learning through exciting and engaging activities. Our knowledgeable, experienced education professionals help students form lasting connections with nature while having fun and learning.

It’s a great way to engage and inspire this curious age group!

Kids dive into the ecology of their wild backyard with a day-long field trip to their local grassland, wetland or forest. Ecosystems come alive through hands-on investigations: dip-netting for bugs, water quality testing, discovering the web of life on the forest floor, following the energy cycle of a grassland and treasure hunting for biodiversity.

The programs are tailored to meet B.C. Ministry of Education Science curriculum learning outcomes for Grades 4 – 7.

Grade 4 Program: The Magic of Ecosystems

Students discover the wonders of nature through an introduction to ecosystems and the ways in which living things sense and respond to their environment.

Photo by Julie-Anne Davies

Grade 5 Program: Web of Life

Students investigate the complex interconnections between producers, consumers and decomposers. They consider how materials from the Earth can be used as natural resources and how humans fit into the Web of Life.

Photo by Michael Royle

Grade 6 Program: Systems and Survival

Students explore the systems that help them survive and thrive by understanding the link between healthy humans and functioning ecosystems.

Grade 7 Program: Lessons from Nature

Students investigate ecological principles such as diversity, survival, long- and short-term change and interconnection and learn valuable lessons for life from our wisest and oldest of teachers—nature itself!

Photo by Julie-Anne Davies

Classroom with Outdoors runs in September, October, May and June, throughout the Columbia Basin.

Wildsight thanks Columbia Power, the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies, Copernicus Education Products, Consecon Foundation, Kimberley Alpine Resort Community Summit Fund, Kootenay Co-op, LeRoi Community Foundation, the Osprey Community Foundation, the Province of British Columbia, Teck Trail, and all of our individual donors for making this program possible.

Education news

Wildsight's new environmental education program focused on sustainability and climate resilience is inspiring students to design the communities of tomorrow. By pairing examples of sustainable living with hands-on…Read more 
Update: A generous donor has stepped forward and offered to match your gift for education in the wild, up to $5000 — but only until the end of October.Read more 
Alfred Joseph grew up in the traditional territory of the Ktunaxa, in the area of ?akisq’nuk, the area of the two lakes in what is now known as the…Read more 
Global pollinator declines are causing rising concern for the future of global food security. Bee populations in particular are declining at an alarming rate, leading to organizations such as the…Read more 
Place-based learning: it's a well-used term in the education community. But what does it actually mean? As the name suggests, place-based learning helps students develop a…Read more 
While nature is valuable for nature's sake alone, we can also appreciate the valuable services nature provides to humans that allow us to thrive on this planet.Read more 
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Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.