As you drive west on the Trans-Canda Highway, passing from Alberta's rolling fields and into the Rockies, the Trans-Canada Highway squeezes itself into a narrow passageway known as the Kicking Horse Canyon.
Actions speak louder than words. While a revised forest act from the Province looks good on paper, only time will tell if the current talk and log continues, or if a paradigm shift in forestry management actually takes place.
British Columbia’s biodiversity is globally significant: we are home to the broadest diversity of wildlife and ecosystems of any province or territory in Canada, including some species not found anywhere else on earth.
A Panel Webinar with Nature Canada, Protect our Winters and the Columbia River Salmon Reintroduction Initiative Nature is arguably one of the most powerful tools we have in the fight against climate change, and yet it has too often been…
Missed our webinar with Dr. Peter Wood? Watch it now, and get informed on how BC's forestry industry needs a paradigm shift to better protect our communities agains the affects of climate change:…
Coal mines in the BC Rockies send toxic selenium pollution downstream that puts fish in danger, not just in BC, but in Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River for hundreds of kilometres through Montana and Idaho — and back into BC…
“We are hopeful that the Commissioner of the Environment will undertake an audit of Canada’s remarkable failure to adequately regulate coal mine pollution in the Elk Valley over the last twenty years. This regulatory failure has directly contributed to…
Deep in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Louisiana Pacific (LP) is building a new road and is about to log important habitat for endangered mountain caribou. Multiple mountain caribou sightings in and adjacent to planned cut-blocks have been…
Landslides. Floods. Wildfires. They come with a vengeance, sweeping away or burning up communities. When they're happening, they seem inevitable. But what if these events weren't inevitable? What if the solution was closer than we think? To get…
British Columbia markets itself as “supernatural BC” and yet we are one of the last jurisdictions in the world still logging irreplaceable old growth forests on public lands. As citizens across BC put their bodies on the line to protect…