"I looked up from the ground and realized what an incredible place I was in. From a young age, I'd always thought the alpine was the coolest thing ever, and being so fully immersed in it … felt amazing."2023…
In late July, a fledgling bank swallow emerges from its burrow in a steep cliff alongside the Columbia Wetlands. Shortly after it first takes flight, likely within days or weeks, this young swallow will begin a journey that could take it as far south as Chile for the winter.
The Cheakamus Community Forest sits on 330 square kilometres of forest surrounding Whistler, and operates under an ecosystem management-based approach. We met with executive director Heather Beresford to learn more about how forests such as these might shape the future of forestry.
We’ve been out here long enough that the traffic has slowed to only a handful of cars. Carolyn zips up her coat; it's a bit cooler tonight after raining the past couple days.
The 2023 season is in full swing for the Kimberley/Cranbrook Youth Climate Corps (YCC). The goal of YCC is to provide youth with the opportunity to take hands-on action to address the climate crisis and obtain entry-level…
On Tuesday July 11, Golden Electrical contracting installed new solar panel microinverters on Golden Secondary School. This project was made possible because of a grant from Columbia Basin Trust’s Resident Directed Grants (ReDi) program.
In Sparwood, dust from the nearby coal mine sometimes drifts over the town, coating everything in fine black powder and leaving some residents concerned about what they're breathing in. But what exactly is in that dust? The answer may…
At its core, it is still a regular pedal bike, but with the brilliant addition of pedal assist. But don’t let that fool you, e-bikes still host an array of benefits for your personal health! Enter our raffle to win one on July 27, 2023.
On Saturday June 17 WIldsight Golden hosted its first climate cafe at Jita’s cafe. Climate cafes are an informal space for people to talk about climate change, particularly in regards to its solutions.
At Hume Elementary School in Nelson, Wildsight Educator Genna Lazier explored the world of salmon with Nashira Birch's K/1 class through a Wildsight EcoStewards program this year. The program included a series of in-class visits, field trips…