I’m writing to you because we need your help today to fight for our wildlife and wild spaces. You may have seen the many news reports coming out lately about how our world’s wilderness is disappearing.
Written By: Kim Urbaniak Twenty-Two kids wiggle and giggle and spin around, transforming into mayfly nymphs right before my eyes. The grade two class has just walked through the forest pretending to be mayfly eggs, quiet and unassuming.
Did you roam free in the woods behind your house as a kid? Was there a moment you felt connected and at peace in the natural world? I’m writing today because we need your help.
I look at my small sons spooning up cheerios across the kitchen table—milk dripping, long limbs and messy hair flying. I wonder, who will they become? There are certain things I know: the older one will always push against…
School is back! Inspire your students with the magic of ecosystems. Classroom With Outdoors offers B.C-curriculum-based outdoor education to promote healthy, hands-on learning through exciting and engaging activities. Our knowledgeable, experienced education professionals help students form…
Earlier this month, 16 inspiring Columbia Basin youth grabbed their paddles and navigated the complex social, economic and natural history of the mighty Columbia River through Wildsight’s Columbia River Field School. The 12-day Field School brought together participants…
The Kimberley Open Gate Garden is located on Rotary Dr. behind the Aquatic Centre, and it is ALWAYS OPEN. Stop by and enjoy local fresh produce, expand your gardening knowledge and find a safe space to learn and grow.
School is out and the days of wild rambling, lake swimming and creek fishing are on. But sometimes, when you find your kids curled up in a shady hammock in the heat of the day, or snuggled into their sleeping…
Written by: Kim Urbaniak As the group exits the forest and steps into the clearing by the lake, their eyes fill with wonder, “So THIS is the lake!” someone exclaims. “Look at all the birds!” another student hollers, before running…
Laura Kroeker’s Grade 9 class from Fernie Secondary School took a deep dive into the world of waste and plastic last week. Led by Wildsight educator, Janelle Park, they looked at the impact of plastics on the earth, its…