Thanks to you, the provincial government will think twice before giving the green light to yet another ski resort in our over-impacted mountains. A developer wants to build a ski resort in the West Kootenay’s Selkirk Mountains.
Late on Friday, September 11th, amidst the hubbub of families getting back into school routines and reporters itching to leave their desks for the weekend, the provincial government released the long-awaited old growth report.
The COVID-19 pandemic has put many businesses into financial stress, but experts say this is not the greatest threat to world economies in the coming years. Ecosystems are at the basis of our economy and they are deteriorating at…
Wildsight’s Conservation Director John Bergenske has been appointed to the inaugural Minister’s Wildlife Advisory Council for British Columbia by Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forest, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development.
Teck’s Castle coal mine will have a federal environmental assessment, Federal Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson announced today. That’s good news for fish, bears and other wildlife in BC’s southern Rockies! The Minister ordered the assessment after Wildsight…
For those rare moments when your day’s adventures are done, you’ve finished the last page of your book and all you want is to sit back and relax, our Wildsight crew has uncovered some treasured nature-based videos…
The story of Jumbo Wild is a saga with many twists and turns, but ends as all good stories should. In this valley at least, grizzlies have freedom to roam without excavators invading. The wolverines can clamber and climb without…
A step in the right direction In January, we asked you to take action to support proposed changes to hunting and trapping in BC. The provincial government recently posted new hunting and trapping regulations for 2020-2022 for the Kootenay…
Much has changed over the past few months. We’re all doing what we can to keep our families and our communities safe, even with so much fear and uncertainty. I hope you are finding time to recharge in the…