Bry Daniels, a two-time veteran of our Go Wild! youth wilderness trips, just returned from our second trip of the summer with 11 other local youth, travelling the historic Earl Grey Pass trail over six days, from near Invermere…
This position has been filled. Are you a college student looking for a part-time job during the school year? Wildsight is looking for a Communications & Development Intern to work with us during the school year in our Kimberley…
We have one last chance to stop the Lizard Creek subdivision near Fernie and protect grizzlies! Send a message to your Regional District director asking them to cast their final vote to protect bears—and to stand up for the…
It seems obvious: fish need habitat. Fish need clean water, functioning ecosystems, and habitat for spawning, migrating, growing and feeding, but habitat protection was cut from the Fisheries Act under Harper.
In part 3 of our Qat'muk interview with Ktunaxa storyteller Joe Pierre, he details what a sacred space means to him, and what the Supreme court case could mean for Ktunaxa, Qat’muk and indigenous sacred spaces across Canada.
Commercial harvesting of wild huckleberries is happening on a scale we’ve never seen before in the Kootenays. One camp of thirty harvesters near Yahk, working with berry rakes, is picking hundreds of pounds per day and they plan to…
Wildsight welcomes the ban on trophy hunting of grizzly bears announced yesterday, but we are unclear what a meat hunt will mean for the bears. Big-game hunters may still hunt grizzlies, taking home photos of themselves with their kill…
“You wouldn’t want to build a resort in the Vatican, so why are we talking about building a resort in any other sacred space?”
Aq’am Chief Joe Pierre on the sacred home of the grizzly bear spirit, Qat’muk.
For the last three years, I, Ben Gadd (of no relation to the Ben Gadd), have participated in Go Wild!, hiking for six days into the middle of nowhere and out the other side, accompanied by complete strangers—and Dave…