Turtle Conservation Revelstoke

Turtle Conservation Revelstoke (TCR) is a community partnership working to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to protect and conserve Revelstoke’s Western Painted Turtle population. Formed in 2023, TCR welcomes new members and partners to broaden its support and expertise.

Western Painted Turtles are designated as a Special Concern (blue listed) species in BC, meaning that they are facing many threats and are vulnerable to further declines. The main pressures causing these declines across BC, including Revelstoke, are extensive loss of wetland habitats, and increases in human settlement and road development.

TCR are working with community leaders to develop strategies to enhance nesting habitat and reduce road mortality that will help to sustain Revelstoke’s Western Painted Turtle population.

How you can help:

As the weather warms up, the turtles become more active. Hatchlings may be seen emerging from their nests or trekking to the wetland in early May. Adults begin breeding in May, and females can be observed nesting in sandy-sunny locations or searching for appropriate nesting sites around ponds and wetlands. To reduce road mortality, TCR, Wildsight Revelstoke, volunteers and partners are implanting road signs near sensitive areas and asking you to slow down.

Please slow down significantly near Red Devil’s hill turn, respect signage, and be observant especially during late afternoon and early evenings on warm days in May and June. Approaching these sensitive areas with low speed will drastically increase the chances of turtle’s survival.  

If you observe an adult turtle crossing the road, please stop and give it time and space to cross. Do not pick up turtles that are found on or beside roadways unless they are in imminent danger of being struck. Hatchlings can be seen on the road from Mid-April to Mid-May. If you see one on a road, you should pick them up and move them closer to the river. 

Please contact revelstoke@wildsight.ca to let us know when and where turtles were sighted, or record sightings on the iNaturalist app. Feel free to reach out for more information or if you are interested in donating time, talent, or funds towards Western Painted Turtle conservation efforts in Revelstoke. 


Turtle Conservation Revelstoke brochure 2023

Western Painted Turtle Infographic

This summer, many residents of Revelstoke witnessed the logging of trees likely more than 400 years old, at Standfast creek in the Akolkolex valley just…Read More 
It all started with a turtle nesting on the driveway and now we’re trimming trees and pulling weeds.Read More 
We’ve been out here long enough that the traffic has slowed to only a handful of cars.Read More 
Read more news

Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.


Branch Information


Box 738
Revelstoke, BC
V0E 2S0