If you’ve signed the Climate Pledge, here’s what you can do to make a difference!
Advocate to the District of Invermere, Regional District of East Kootenay or your local government for increased investment and infrastructure for public transportation (e.g., inter-community buses) and active transportation (e.g., bike lanes);
Attend our Electric Vehicle Show to learn more about EVs, the benefits of making the switch and how to take advantage of current government subsidies; and
Participate in our Green Commute Challenge and/or commit to walking, cycling, carsharing or taking public transportation on your commute at least two days per week.
Did You Know?
Emissions from transportation are one of the three largest sources of non-industrial emissions in the Columbia Valley and the single largest source of emissions in British Columbia. Here in Invermere, the most recent calculation of total emissions released from community transportation weighed in at a hefty 20,215 tonnes of CO2 (2007, Community Energy and Emissions Inventory).* In the ensuing decade plus, that figure has only increased.
Moreover, like many communities in the Columbia Valley — and rural BC — Invermere is heavily car-dependent with minimal pedestrian- and cyclist-oriented infrastructure to make it accessible and convenient to run errands, commute and otherwise travel within the community by an active mode. In fact, it’s Walk Score is only 45, indicating that the proximity of most households to services and amenities is too low to get by without a vehicle.
Like most climate change related puzzles, there’s no easy fix when it comes to shifting our transportation policies, infrastructure and lifestyle habits. However, we know that improving affordable and convenient public transportation options, decreasing reliance on personal internal combustion engine vehicles, and electrifying our transportation network are all integral pieces of solving that puzzle.
E-Bike Raffle
Now Until September 2, 2021
With limited public transportation options, we know that getting around the Valley can be tricky. We’re guessing it’s a big part of why our first e-bike raffle was such a huge hit. Coupled with the fact that access to affordable, sustainable transportation can be difficult for those on a budget, we decided to raffle off another e-bike! The Magnum Navigator is a fantastic ride for bopping around town, running errands and getting from point A to B in a flash. Purchase your tickets here!
Electric Vehicle Show
July 24, 2021
Last September’s Electric Vehicle Show was so popular that we received numerous requests to host a second! So, mark your calendars for July 24 from 1 to 4pm at the Columbia Valley Food Bank Parking Lot (201B, 7th Ave Invermere) to make sure you don’t miss the chance to get up close and personal with some spiffy rides. In addition to getting to see all kinds of different EVs from owners across the Valley, we’ll be showcasing Spark (rural Canada’s first electric vehicle share). Cleanline Automotive will also be in attendance, to help us geek out on all the tech-y details of electric vehicles and answer your pressing questions. See you there!
Green Commute Challenge
September 27 to October 11, 2021
Join us for the Green Commute Challenge! This challenge will be running from September 27th until October 11th. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage participants to replace their motorized transportation with a more green option for a two-week period. During this time, instead of driving your car for daily activities like to work or to get groceries, we encourage you to walk, run, or bike as a way to reduce your carbon emissions and get active!