"I looked up from the ground and realized what an incredible place I was in. From a young age, I'd always thought the alpine was the coolest thing ever, and being so fully immersed in it … felt amazing."2023…
The 2023 season is in full swing for the Kimberley/Cranbrook Youth Climate Corps (YCC). The goal of YCC is to provide youth with the opportunity to take hands-on action to address the climate crisis and obtain entry-level…
At Hume Elementary School in Nelson, Wildsight Educator Genna Lazier explored the world of salmon with Nashira Birch's K/1 class through a Wildsight EcoStewards program this year. The program included a series of in-class visits, field trips…
Position: Crew Leader, Wildsight Youth Climate Corps Golden Contract Dates: August 1st to November 17th, 2023 Location: Golden, with occasional, possible travel to other communities near Golden or other YCC hub locations. Hours: 35–40 hours per week, typically Monday…
Position: Wildsight Youth Climate Corps Climate Action Technician, Golden Contract Dates: August 8th to November 17, 2023 Location: Golden, with possible, occasional travel to other communities near Golden or other YCC hub locations.
Local opportunity to deepen Indigenous knowledge and understanding After a successful pilot program offered to nearly 4,000 people, the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN), in partnership with 40 organizations including Wildsight, has opened early bird registration for a…
Sixteen youth from across the Columbia Basin have the opportunity to navigate the complex social, economic and natural history of the mighty Columbia River as they paddle its waters this summer. Students in Wildsight's Columbia River Field School canoe…
For decades, mountaintop removal coal mining has been leaching contamination into the Elk-Kootenay River System. Deemed by some as Canada’s largest-ever contamination crisis, selenium, nitrates, sulphates, and other pollutants are threatening species at risk like cutthroat trout, regional water secu