CBEEN's 2017 Awards of Environmental Education

The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) recently announced the recipients of their 2017 Awards of Environmental Education Excellence and we couldn’t be more proud to see that three of the six educators recognized this year are members of the Wildsight team!

Nominated by peers, and chosen by a committee of past recipients, this ongoing recognition of environmental education excellence is a great testament to the work being done encouraging stewardship and sustainability in the Columbia Basin. We live in a special part of the world, where the awe-inspiring natural beauty continues to bring out awe-inspiring work from those that call it home. And that spark to protect our natural world gets passed on to the next generation with every classroom that steps outside to experience the wonders of the wild first-hand. A very exciting circle to live amongst indeed.

So… a BIG “congratulations!” to all the amazing educators recognized by CBEEN for this year’s Awards of Environmental Education Excellence and an EXTRA BIG high-five for Wildsight’s Andrea Chapman, Patty Kolesnichenko and Janette Vickers!

Janette and Patty teach all four of our education programs: taking elementary students outside in their wild backyards on field trips with Winter Wonder and Classroom with Outdoors, showing Grade 9 students where their water comes from in CBT’s Know Your Watershed, and leading students on a 24-week deep dive into sustainability in Beyond Recycling. Andrea is not only the branch manager for Wildsight Kimberley/Cranbrook, host to many local education programs, but she is also the wearer of many environmental education hats in the local community.

Awards will be presented at CBEEN’s 2017 Celebration of Environmental Education Events in Castlegar and Kimberley later this year, congratulations again to all of those recognized this year and previously!