Plant Awareness Project

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Plants!

The Plant Awareness Project aims to create opportunities for people of all ages to recognize and further appreciate the plants around them. With this in mind, 23 interpretive plant signs were created and mounted on existing structures near living specimens of the plant along with overview signs of all 23 plants.

This video will show you around the signs and the plants:

Please see map below for locations of signs behind the schools.

Interactive map

Look for one of our signs on your next walk!

Two overview signs have also been created and mounted on the chain-link fence inside Dirtland (the former Horseshoe Club site) and behind the ice arena. These signs show all of the 23 photographs from the individual plant signs plus the scientific name and names of each plant in 6 languages: Ktunaxa, Secwepemc, Michif, Blackfoot, French and English. CLICK HERE to learn more about these languages and how First Peoples use plants.

The individual smaller signs aim to draw attention to the plants and open doors to more learning. Each 20 cm x 32 cm sign has a unique representation created by a local artists (CLICK HERE for Artists’ Statements), a photo of the plant (CLICK HERE for Photographers’ Statements), the plant name in English, brief information about the plant’s uses and roles in the ecosystem plus an outline of the leaf which can be easily traced, making the signs interactiveCLICK HERE for the backstory and people behind the project.

We hope that teachers will make use of these signs to bring their students outside. Anyone can trace the leaves and other outlines on the signs to make art pieces and to help with recognizing the plant. Learning about plants touches on many parts of the curriculum from the 3Rs to biology and art. CLICK HERE to learn more about the featured plants and the many other plants in the area. 

PRINT this overview sign to make Bingo Games, etc.

TEACHERS! CLICK HERE for more plant-related activities and ideas


EVERYONE! CLICK HERE to print out all 23 colouring pages


or Download and print them individually:

Birch-leaved Spiraea Colouring Page

Black Cottonwood Colouring Page

Blue Clematis Colouring Page

Creamy Peavine Colouring Page

Crested Wheatgrass Colouring Page

Douglas Maple Colouring Page

Douglas-fir Colouring Page

Heart-leaved Arnica Colouring Page

Kinnickinnick Colouring Page

Oregon Grape Colouring Page

Paper Birch Colouring Page

Prickly Rose Colouring Page

Red-osier Dogwood Colouring Page

Sarsaparilla Colouring Page

Saskatoon Colouring Page

Scouler’s Willow Colouring Page

Snowberry Colouring Page

Soopolallie Colouring Page

Spreading Dogbane Colouring Page

Step Moss Colouring Page

Trembling Aspen Colouring Page

White Spruce Colouring Page

Yarrow Colouring Page



The Plant Awareness Project was made possible by generous support from Columbia Basin Trust, The Town of Golden, Rotary International and the Parent Advisory Council at Alexander Park Elementary School. 

We also thank the Golden Star for their reporting on this project and encourage you to read their articles:

Golden Star Article May 14, 2020 

Do you know a woman who has made an outstanding contribution to protecting nature or environmental education in the Columbia Headwaters region? Celebrate her commitment…Read More 
Wildsight Golden has worked towards and delivered many key successes in maintaining biodiversity and a healthy community over the years, for example the inclusion of…Read More 
How lucky are we to live in such a beautiful mountain valley? Unfortunately for us, air pollution continues to be a significant problem in Golden…Read More 
Read more news

Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.


Branch Information

Box #25
#203 - 421 9th Avenue N
Patlar Building, Golden BC V0A 1H0