Why are old growth forests important?
Old growth forests play essential roles in wildlife habitat, species diversity, hydrological regimes, nutrient cycles, carbon storage, and numerous other ecological processes. Old growth forests inspire a sense of awe, offer recreation, and have spiritual values. This is why Wildsight Golden feels that it is important to protect our local Old Growth Forests through information and education.
In order to advocate for our local old growth protection, we have put out videos, held Old Growth Tours, and written countless letters and press releases. Wildsight Golden also comments on local cutting plans and applications for recreation permits and lodges.
Mapping Priority Stands for Protection in Southeaster British Columbia
The goal of these attached maps is to help people understand where old growth forests exist in the region, where the best forests may be, and to identify areas for long-term protection.
Old Growth Tour – October 16, 2021
A very well attended tour was held in the rain on October 16, 2021. Attached are some photos.
Video – Old Growth Logging in Golden’s Blaeberry Wilderness