Wildsight Golden 2022 Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM Mountain Time
Golden Branch
Your home
Join us on Zoom

Join Wildsight Golden’s  Annual General Meeting online on March 30, 2022 We will start at 7 PM on zoom.


We are seeking new board members. If you have an interest in the environment and conservation, please consider applying to be a Wildsight Golden Board Member.

All active members will be eligible to run as board members, they will need to be nominated and seconded. If you are interested in joining the board (we would love to have you), please contact Joan Dolinsky (oandolinsky@gmail.com), board chair, or any other Wildsight Board member for more information. Contact information will be provided if you email the office at golden@wildsight.ca

Every member who participates will have a chance to win this  original painting. More information here.









In order to vote, you must be an active member for at least 24 hours (last date for membership, March 29 at 7 PM). All members must sign in. Motions will be moved, seconded and approved via the chat box.


In the past, prior to Covid, we got together for our AGM and celebrated our deep love of nature by sharing our stories and pictures! Everyone has a story of nature. If you’d like to share yours no special credentials are required, just contact Golden@wildsight.ca with up to five images prior to March 20th and we’ll put them all together for presentation. 

You will have three minutes to share the story and the images. This will be done through a screen sharing via the zoom platform.

The draw for the painting will be held at the end of the meeting.


To join the meeting please click here to “zoom” in, on March 30 at 7 PM.