Think Global, Act Local: Canada hosting NatureCOP in December and we will be there

We are living in a global nature crisis. Species are declining at terrifying rates; there has never been a more important time for nature conservation. This December, Canada will be hosting the world at COP15, or NatureCOP, in Montreal. Wildsight’s Executive Director, Robyn Duncan, and Mining Impacts Researcher Wyatt Petryshen will be on the ground, advocating for the strong commitments to nature protection needed to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. 

Canada has committed to protecting 30% of our lands and waters by 2030 (as signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity), and this commitment has come with historic federal investments for nature conservation. BC is Canada’s most biodiverse province. We have been advocating strongly for BC to commit to protecting 30% of its lands and waters, and to sign a strong agreement with Canada to work together in biodiversity protection and supporting Indigenous-led conservation. We expect countries to sign on to the Global Biodiversity Framework with new commitments to halting and reversing biodiversity loss. The decisions and commitments made at these global summits can have real impact and empower actions to protect the biodiversity here in our globally-significant region.

Stay tuned as we plan to report out from NatureCOP by following our social media channels: