Good News for the Radium Bighorn Sheep

Earlier this spring, you took action to protect the bighorn sheep near Radium, joining 1300 others in calling for immediate action from the province. This week we received excellent news! 

We are celebrating the province’s commitment to a speed limit reduction on the Radium Hill in order to decrease risk to both Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep and motorists travelling in the Columbia Valley. The Radium sheep herd will be getting a reprieve!

This spring, your support was critical in shaping the future for Radium sheep. Together, with months of effort by the Ktunaxa Nation and Shushwap Band members, conservation groups, local politicians, as well as provincial and municipal government staff who have all championed the need for action, real change is on its way. 

After building pressure, the province contracted Ktunaxa and Shushwap guardians through the late winter and spring to raise awareness and slow traffic on the hill. Now, the announcement of a speed reduction is something we can all celebrate. 

We believe the government is listening, but know there is more to be done. Funding is yet to be fully committed by either the province or the federal government for the needed wildlife overpass and fencing. We hope you will keep speaking up for the Bighorn Sheep until funding is committed. 

Thank you for your incredible support for the Bighorns – we are so much stronger when we work together for wildlife.

   For the wild,

John Bergenske
Conservation Director