We need the wild—and the wild needs us

Much has changed over the past few months. We’re all doing what we can to keep our families and our communities safe, even with so much fear and uncertainty. 

I hope you are finding time to recharge in the wild. Whether it’s an alpine basin, a quiet trail close to home or birdsong outside your window, we need our connection with nature.

Much has changed in our lives, but our forests, our wildlife and our rivers still face the same dangers. The rampant exploitation of nature has barely missed a beat.

We’re still cutting down the last few patches of old growth forest and carving up the backcountry with endless roads. We’re still building mines that will pollute our rivers for a thousand years. And we’re still giving away our mountain wilderness to private interests, driving wildlife from their homes.

Will you donate today to defend the wild?

These difficult times also bring with them the possibility of change—a window in time when we can begin to shape a different world. As we rebuild our economy, we have an opportunity to change our relationship with the land, to save our climate, our wilderness and our future. We can build BC back better.

We can protect more of our wilderness—permanently. We can stop logging old growth forests. We can stop polluting our rivers and we can give wildlife the space they need to roam free.

But change isn’t easy. We need you. Will you give today to take advantage of this opportunity to find a better path forward?

If you’re struggling because of the coronavirus, if you’ve lost your job, please take care of yourself and those close to you. But if you’re one of the fortunate, will you give today for change?

For the wild,

John Bergenske
Conservation Director

p.s. If you’ve found strength and solace in wild places this year, can you give a gift back to the wild today?


Top image by Pat Morrow. Mountain image by Lucas Jmief.