Wildsight Golden concerns about Water Bottling Plant Proposal

Wildsight Golden wants the community to be aware that there is currently a company that is looking to set up a water bottling plant in Golden.  The company is called GoldenKey Investments Group, which is an investment and consulting company mainly engaged in providing investment solutions for investors and businesses both in Canada and Asia.   They specialize in natural resources including coal, iron, gold, copper, precious metals, potassium, petroleum, wind, and spring water.   More information on the company can be found here: http://www.thegoldenkey.ca/index.html.

Wildsight Golden is completely opposed to this project due to the numerous negative environmental consequences, both known and unforeseen.  We are opposed to having commercial interests bottle and sell fresh water from Golden’s municipal water supply and we believe this project will not benefit humans or wildlife in the Golden area.

Wildsight Golden submitted a list of concerns and questions to the company on July 24, 2019. We were told that responses will be provided by early August, 2019 .  We have also been informed that the company will host an open house in Golden in late September and we hope that many members of the community will attend. 

Though water bottles (plastic, glass or aluminum) may be recyclable, many end up in landfills or become litter. Globally, we are becoming aware that plastic garbage causes serious environmental problems, including islands of plastic debris, mass wildlife deaths from ingesting plastic, and contributions to climate change. While using aluminum or glass might have lesser impacts than using plastic, there are still high environmental costs for all single-use water containers (energy required for production, transportation and/or recycling, waste disposal concerns, reinforcement of single use behavior, etc.).  While we do not support single-use water sources, we are also concerned about the commercial removal of water from our aquifer, which could ultimately lower the water table.  This could compromise community water needs, as well as the needs of wildlife and farmers. 

If you want more details, or if you have concerns, please let the company know by contacting waterproject@thegoldenkey.ca.  Golden and Area A residents need to voice their concerns now about the proposed water bottling plant in Golden!


Wildsight Golden Board of Directors
