Yesterday night, forty hardy Kimberlites gathered outside in Kimberley’s Platzl to the honour our mountain caribou, after the recent news that the last females caribou have been moved from the South Purcell and Selkirk herds to Revelstoke. They heard from conservationists who worked to save the caribou, representatives of the Ktunaxa Nation and those who’ve organised efforts to harvest lichen to feed the caribou in maternity pen in Revelstoke. The message for BC’s government was clear: drastic action is needed to save our remaining caribou herds. We need to protect and restore our local caribou habitat so that the Purcell and Selkirk herds can eventually return to our mountains.
You can help make sure the BC government gets the message! Send a “Dear John” email to Premier John Horgan (copying Forests Minister Doug Donaldson)—or better yet, write and send an old fashioned letter (PO BOX 9041, STN PROV GOVT, VICTORIA, BC V8W 9E1).
Write a message to the Premier in your own words:
Dear Premier Horgan,
Please take immediate action to save BC’s mountain caribou, including all herds in BC. Protect the mountain caribou habitat in the Purcell and Selkirk Mountains so that our local herds can one day return.
Mountain caribou are important because…
I am personally going to…
Write your:
All photos thanks to Chelsea Boyd Gibson, Meadowsweet Photography