The true cost of coal

This series focuses on the hidden impacts of coal mining in the Elk Valley.


Despite the economic benefits coal mining has brought to these communities and the province, the hidden cost to the environment, to human health, and the climate cannot be ignored. Solutions exist to these problems, but unless B.C. and the Federal government are willing to take appropriate action, B.C. and Canada will always have dirt on their hands.

The first story presents an overview of coal mining in British Columbia and explores the Elk Valley as a case study of Canada’s largest silent unfolding contamination crisis. Subsequent stories dive into detail on the cost coal mining in the Elk Valley has to the environment, to human health, and climate change.

Explore our True Cost of Coal series:

Text: an overview of coal mining in the Elk Valley photo: open pit mine with tailing ponds in the Elk Valley
Text: the cost of coal to human health. Background: image of desolate coal mine with dust in the air
text: coming soon, the cost of coal to climate change

Mining news

Members of the public are being asked to give input before Feb 17 into an independent study on the impacts of water pollution from Elk Valley coal mines.Read more 
The Elk Valley’s Line Creek coal mine has been named in a new report exposing environmental impacts and human rights abuses occurring in Hyundai’s steel-making supply chain around the world.Read more 
Wildsight’s challenge to West High Yield Resources Ltd’s Record Ridge mine proposal has resulted in the province determining that a full environmental assessment will be required before the mine continues.Read more 
In December 2023, the City of Fernie announced it would begin immediately exploring for a new secondary water supply, with workers operating seven days a week until Christmas Eve.Read more 
The international investigation into water pollution from Elk Valley coal mines is about to reach its first big milestone. Here’s what you need to know.Read more 
The petition will require the federal government to answer questions about how it's protecting Canadian taxpayers and the environment as part of its review of Glencore’s takeover of coal mines in B.C.’s Elk Valley.Read more 
Read more news

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Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.