
Mining makes up one of British Columbia’s largest industries and revenue sources, but behind the profits, communities and the environment often pay the price for resource extraction and development.

We work collaboratively to address many of the current challenges facing communities and the environment from the mining industry. Wildsight strives to be a leader in bringing science to the forefront of public discourse and policy advocacy. We work locally, regionally, and internationally to advocate for strong and enforceable mining and environmental legislation that upholds Indigenous Rights, effective conservation, and land-use decisions.

We believe that change begins with reforms to British Columbia’s mining laws.

As part of the B.C. Mining Law Reform Network, we advocate for the banning of dangerous mine waste dams, we call for Indigenous rights to be upheld including the free, prior, and informed consent of mining activities on Indigenous territories, the respect and incorporation of mining into land use plans, and ensuring mining companies pay adequate bonding to cover the full cost of reclamation.

Image of an open pit coal mines with massive trucks driving down roads, coal dust in the air
Photo: Garth Lenz/ILCP

We take action on the issues facing mine-affected communities.

Not only do mining activities have the potential to affect local communities and the environment today but long after operations finish. Common threats to communities include water pollution, air pollution, landscape-scale landform changes, and direct threats to wildlife. One of our longest ongoing projects has been the fight to stop selenium pollution in the Elk Valley and transboundary Lake Koocanusa.

Four operational mountaintop removal coal mines are actively leaching selenium into the watershed from waste rock dump sites – a byproduct of mountaintop removal mining. Some of the negative impacts to the valley include threats to high elevation grasslands, population collapses of local fisheries, threats to drinking water and air quality, and methane emissions.

We are doing everything we can through engagement with federal and provincial governments, in court cases, by involvement in working groups, and through community outreach, and on the ground testing and monitoring.

How you can help

Get involved

Visit B.C. Mining Law Reform Network to learn more on how B.C. mining laws affect you and the action you can take!

Mining news

The petition will require the federal government to answer questions about how it's protecting Canadian taxpayers and the environment as part of its review of Glencore’s takeover of coal mines in B.C.’s Elk Valley.Read more 
From May 15 to June 14, the public can have a say about Wildsight’s request for an environmental assessment on the proposed Record Ridge industrial mineral mine, near Rossland, B.C.Read more 
We’re fighting to ensure Teck and Glencore are held to account for the environmental damage caused by the Elk Valley coal mines. Your gift will support our work pressuring politicians to make these polluters pay, so our wild waters are kept cleaner for future generations.Read more 
‘Clean it up or pay’ — that’s the clear message that British Columbians want to send the mining industry, according to new Wildsight-commissioned polling from Research Co.Read more 
A new Wildsight-commissioned report has revealed it will cost at least $6.4 billion to reverse rising selenium concentrations in Canadian and United States waterways due to toxic runoff from British Columbia’s Elk Valley coal minesRead more 
Qukin ʔamakʔis/Fernie - Wildsight celebrates the announcement of an International Joint Commission (IJC) investigation into water pollution from British Columbia’s Elk Valley coal mines as the first step…Read more 
Read more news

Join The Team

Want to protect wildlife, clean water and wild spaces? Volunteer with us! Wildsight volunteers are a very special group of people who give generously of their time to stuff envelopes, attend rallies, help run events, put up posters, keep tabs on forestry practices in their communities and participate in citizen science initiatives.