Bruce Kirkby

Patty Kolesnichenko

Patty Kolesnichenko


Kimberley Cranbrook Branch, Wildsight Regional

Patty Kolesnichenko has worked for over 20 years teaching Outdoor Education to individuals of all ages. Her background includes a Degree in Education with a specialization in Physical Education and Science from York University in Toronto. She has taught at the Boyne River Natural Science School, the Nor West Outdoor Centre in Ontario and started St Patrick High school’s Outdoor Program in Yellowknife. Patty has also run her own business “Wolfsong Adventures” in the Northwest Territories, specializing in Outdoor adventure tourism, consulting and education. Patty enjoys spending time with her family hiking, skiing, canoeing and exploring many of the wild places in BC and beyond.

Patty is in her element when teaching outdoor education and enjoys helping young people find meaningful connections to their natural environment.

Patty's work

Classroom With Outdoors offers B.C.-curriculum-based outdoor education to promote healthy, hands-on learning. Our knowledgeable educators help students form lasting connections with nature while having fun and learning. Read More 
What a great way to deepen the love primary students have for the outdoors. Winter Wonder programs are outdoor, winter ecology field studies — real experiences — that take primary classes outside to learn something new. Read More 
EcoStewards offers an excellent opportunity to showcase how environmental education can effectively and successfully provide opportunities for 21st century learning, including inquiry, action and place-based learning. Read More 
In Beyond Recycling, grade 5 and 6 students embark on a rich 24-week investigation into the impact of their lifestyles—energy, waste and consumption… Read More 
Through grade-specific programs linked to learning outcomes in BC's new curriculum, and a variety of interactive teaching methods including props, games, and local examples, we seek to foster a curiosity in nature. Read More 
We are happy to welcome the Kimberley Outdoor Learning Society’s Forest & Nature School programs as our own, effective September 2023. Read More