Kim Urbaniak

Kimberley Cranbrook Branch, Wildsight Regional
Kim lives in Kimberley, where she brings plenty of enthusiasm and passion for outdoor activities and connecting people with the natural world. She has a MA in Environmental Education and Communications, and a varied background in community engagement, program development, and volunteer management. In addition to her work on Wildsight Regional education programs, she also works for the Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook branch on the McGinty Lake and Camp Odyssey programs.
Kim's work
We are happy to welcome the Kimberley Outdoor Learning Society’s Forest & Nature School programs as our own, effective September 2023. Read More
Your child will be outdoors the entire day, much of that time on the move exploring. Hiking and nature exploration is the focus of this camp, but there will be plenty of time for free play and creativity. Read More
Through grade-specific programs linked to learning outcomes in BC's new curriculum, and a variety of interactive teaching methods including props, games, and local examples, we seek to foster a curiosity in nature. Read More
In Beyond Recycling, grade 5 and 6 students embark on a rich 24-week investigation into the impact of their lifestyles—energy, waste and consumption… Read More
What a great way to deepen the love primary students have for the outdoors. Winter Wonder programs are outdoor, winter ecology field studies — real experiences — that take primary classes outside to learn something new. Read More