Pat Morrow
Genna Lazier
Wildsight Regional
Genna is passionate about bringing environmental stewardship to our younger generation in the hopes of passing on that enthusiasm so that they may become the next guardians of the earth. She wants them to pass along that knowledge and wonder of nature to their parents so that it will become a “family love affair”.
Genna's work
What a great way to deepen the love primary students have for the outdoors. Winter Wonder programs are outdoor, winter ecology field studies — real experiences — that take primary classes outside to learn something new. Read More
Classroom With Outdoors offers B.C.-curriculum-based outdoor education to promote healthy, hands-on learning. Our knowledgeable educators help students form lasting connections with nature while having fun and learning. Read More
EcoStewards offers an excellent opportunity to showcase how environmental education can effectively and successfully provide opportunities for 21st century learning, including inquiry, action and place-based learning. Read More