Winter Survival Skills

Sunday, February 9, 2020
Elk Valley Branch
Mount Fernie Provincial Park
Please meet at the Mount Fernie Provincial Park Info Kiosk.

Inspired by the natural intelligence of nature, learn techniques for surviving if stranded outdoors. Participants will learn how to build a quinzhee, aka Canadian snow shelter, fire building techniques in snow, along with fun games and tasty treats.

Wild Nature Tours are led by local naturalists with all proceeds being returned to environmental education programming. Cost is $40 for nonmembers (includes lifetime Wildsight membership) and $30 for current Wildsight members. Meet at the Day Use Area at Mount Fernie Provincial Park.

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear and bring water, a snack, and camera. For more info email or call 250.423.1682. 

To register for Winter Survival Skills please click here

For info on Wild Nature Tours and Workshops please visit