Wild Ideas Invermere: Nature: Are you getting enough?

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Invermere Branch
Circle Cafe, Invermere


Did you know?

The health benefits associated with spending time in nature can be more effective and cheaper than a gym membership, spa treatment, or food detox?

Mental, physical and emotional health can all benefit from time in nature. Yet, most of us still aren’t giving enough priority to being outside. So, what’s holding us back?


Join us Thursday, May 19th for a World Café inspired round table discussion. Wildsight’s own, Kim Urbaniak will lead the discussion, Nature: Are you getting Enough? We will look at the health and happiness benefits of spending time in nature, the barriers to getting outside, and opportunities of nature programming in the valley.


May 19, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Circle Cafe, Invermere
Free – Everyone welcome
Food and drinks available for purchase

Wild Ideas is a casual discussion evening where our community comes together to share some wild ideas over food and drink. Talk about environmental issues, social justice, or local initiatives – it’ll be informal, inclusive and stimulating.