Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey – Fall 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019 - Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Invermere Branch, Golden Branch
Columbia Valley

 This fall will be your last chance to participate in the five-year Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey (CWWS) project. At the end of 2019, baseline data collected through this project will be used to nominate the Columbia Wetlands into the Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) program.

Bird surveys during fall migration will occur in the Columbia Wetlands from 10am-1pm on each of the three following dates:
 Sunday, September 29th
 Saturday, October 5th
 Tuesday, October 15th

Since 2015, the CWWS has engaged more than 200 citizen-scientists in documenting nearly 350,000 birds in the Columbia Wetlands; 2,716 of those individual birds are listed as at-risk and 13 at-risk bird species have been documented through the CWWS program. We are also determining where the most significant staging and feeding areas are in the Columbia Wetlands for migratory waterbird species. We are currently seeking citizen-scientists to survey for birds near Parson, Spillimacheen, Brisco, Radium, Wilmer, Windermere, Invermere and Columbia Lake. Data you collect will be used to nominate the Columbia Wetlands into the IBA program.

A limited number of high quality optical gear sets can be lent to those in need. Free bird ID training is available to all participants and will occur as follows:

In-class training sessions with emphasis on bird identification (including eclipse/non-breeding plumage):
• Golden – Monday, September 23rd, 5-7pm.
• Invermere – Thursday, September 26th, 5-7pm.

Building on bird identification skills in the field (weather permitting):
• Golden – Tuesday, September 24th, 12pm-1:30pm
• Wilmer – Saturday, September 28th 12pm-1:30pm

If you are interested in participating in the CWWS or if have questions, please email or call 250-344-5530. You can also visit: