It's that time of year again: time for the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour in Cranbrook on Saturday, January 3rd! Join us at 7:30PM and Key City Theatre for our 21st year of exploration, adventure, and mountain…
With the municipal election coming up on Nov 15th, Wildsight asked the local candidates for mayor: What is the biggest environmental issue facing our community and what can the City of Kimberley or Cranbrook do about it? The candidates respondes…
Tickets are nearly sold out for Saturday night. Get yours at the door (but get there early for pizza and beer if you want to snag one)! The Wild & Scenic Film Festival World Tour is stopping in Invermere on…
This is not our Canada . . . Dismay and upset followed the Federal Government’s announcement to conditionally approve Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline. How could a government claim it represents its people with any semblance of integrity, knowing that the 1…
Picture this: an apple core tumbling into a garbage bin. For dedicated composters, this everyday moment turns into a slow-motion tragedy, as that apple core could be much more than a waste of space at the landfill - it could…
“They’re amassing out there someplace and they’ll be back. You can count on it.” No, they’re not Hitchcock’s birds, but birdwtchers, flocking to the Creston Valley to partake in the May 9-11, 2014, Creston Valley…