Photo: Howard P Smith

Contact us

Address: 2 – 495 Wallinger Ave, Kimberley, BC V1A 1Z6

Phone: 250-427-9325


For education programs, please contact
Get in touch with your local Wildsight branch.

Please feel free to get in touch with us at anytime.

Please note that our office is located on the second floor of a building with only steep stairs as access. We regret that these stairs are not accessible for all mobilities, but will happily meet you at an alternative and accessible location. Please contact us in advance to arrange this and best support your visit. 

An amazing summer field school for teens aged 15–18 (which also earns participants FOUR credits through a partnership with SD8) is now open for applications. Two weeks of fun, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience!Read more 
Environmental groups, including Wildsight, have sent an open letter to the ECCC today calling on the Ministry to complete critical habitat mapping for caribou that's 10 years overdue.Read more 
As climate change places increasing pressure on our global, regional and local ecosystems and communities, the need to respond with meaningful action could not be more pressing.Read more 
As climate change places increasing pressure on our global, regional and local ecosystems and communities, the need to respond with meaningful action could not be more pressing.Read more 
Wolverines face many threats, and the way we recreate is something we can easily modify to protect this endangered species. Familiarize yourself with wolverine signs and help safeguard these iconic animals.Read more 
Applications are now open for both the West and East Kootenay 2025 Youth Climate Corps seasons. Wildsight’s Youth Climate Corps is an opportunity to kickstart or further develop your…Read more 
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