Girls* on Ice Science Presentation

Ten young women returning from a science-wilderness expedition will share what they’ve learned at a public event Thursday, September 1st.

The group began in Kokanee Creek Park August 22. After some time spent team-building and preparing, they donned heavy packs and sturdy hiking boots to head into the alpine for a week of exploring glaciers, conducting research and learning from experts in the field. 

“Despite our heavy loads, all of us gear fairies were just thrilled to be able to spend the day having conversations with the girls, enjoying the beauties of Kokanee Glacier Park, and feeling like we were contributing in some way to this remarkable program,” said Monica Nissen, Wildsight Education Director, after returning from a day helping haul supplies to the team’s basecamp at Kaslo Lake Camp. “There is no doubt that it will be a transformational experience for the participants.” 

The participants are part of a fully funded Girls* on Ice Canada summer adventure opportunity that interweaves science, art and adventure to inspire leadership, curiosity and confidence. 

Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park provides a perfect environment for developing scientific observational skills, understanding relationships between organisms and their surroundings, and reflecting on personal interactions with the mountains through art, building self-confidence in difficult terrain, and gaining life-long friendships. 

 As part of the expedition, each student researches various glacier-related topics such as glacier dynamics, glacial organisms, geomorphology, hydrology, high elevation monitoring, and the flora and fauna of a glacial environment. Participants will share their findings from scientific experiments at a public event Thursday, September 1st at Kokanee Creek Nature Centre. The event starts at 7 pm; all are welcome to attend.

*While we acknowledge our name is imperfect, we want to clarify that Inspiring Girls* Expeditions welcomes cis girls, trans girls, and any girl-identified youth, as well as non-binary and gender non-conforming youth.

This expedition by Girls* on Ice was done in partnership with Wildsight, Inspiring Girls Expeditions, the Alpine Club of Canada and Living Lakes Canada.

Wildsight was able to collaborate with Girls on Ice Canada for an expedition in August 2022. Read all about the 2022 Kootenay expedition! Wildsight collaborated…Learn more