Become a Member of Wildsight Golden and Win!

Regan Johnston, a well known artist from Golden, has generously donated this original painting to Wildsight Golden to encourage you to become a member and attend our Annual General Meeting.

I am a big fan of Regan’s art and was happy that I had a chance to ask Regan some questions, in a COVID 19 safe way, of course and here is the interview:

Tell me about your work. How long have you been a painter? 

I used to paint houses for a living, but it was 4.5 years ago that I picked up an artist brush to make my first painting. I fell in love with making art immediately and knew that’s what I wanted to do with my life. I started painting full time four years ago. I paint wildlife and the landscapes they live in. 

My wife Christa is also a full time artist and we’ve been collaborating our work for the past year and a half. We have juxtaposing styles and it’s a lot of fun making art with her. 

Here is a picture of Regan and Christa’s collaborative art.

Where do you find inspiration for your work?

I live in Golden, BC and exploring the wilderness around my home is what inspires me most. I often get a feeling of nostalgia when I’m out in nature, it’s like going home. I try to be aware of these feelings when they happen so I can paint the scene and attempt to capture some of the magic that is so special to me. 
Ever since I started painting my connection to nature and the mountains has been growing and my awareness for how everything is connected has become more clear. There’s so much life out there. From grizzlies to fungi. There’s a whole other world out there other than the human world/society we live in and to me that’s exciting. I hope through my work I can raise awareness to protect wildlife and the places they call home.

What do you hope people take away from viewing your paintings?

I hope my paintings can be a reminder of the love we all have for nature. If we love something we will protect it. 

Tell me about this particular painting: how did the idea for it come about? When did you paint it? Why?

The idea came from a drive along the Icefield Parkway in Jasper National Park. The fall colours and fresh snow on the mountains looked so beautiful that day. I thought it would be fun to relive that memory and paint it. 
I chose not to paint the peak of the mountain so the focus would be on the abundance of water in the area. The reflections symbolize the connection between the water and the life that it sustains. Often when I see a landscape like this I imagine seeing a moose. For me it was fitting to title the painting ‘Land of Giants’ once I painted the big bull moose.

If people want to view more of your artwork, where can they go? (website, gallery etc.)

If you want to see more of my work you can find it at Canada House Gallery in Banff or at Maze Gallery in the UK. If you go to my website you can find links to these galleries as well as my social media. (Facebook and Instagram.)

Why do you choose to support Wildsight?

I’m so grateful knowing that Wildsight is working daily to protect wildlife, forests and watersheds. It’s organizations like these that will help make sure that wild places exist for future generations. I’d also like to thank all the members that are helping give nature a voice. 


From Regan’s website: “I’m a Canadian artist exploring the wilderness and painting from experiences. I try to raise awareness with art to protect wildlife and the places they call home.”

To find out more about how to become a member of Wildsight Golden and win this painting, please see here