Douglas Noblet

Eddie Petryshen

Eddie Petryshen

Conservation Specialist

Wildsight Regional

Eddie is an East Kootenay local yokel, a conservationist and a human and coffee powered adventurer. Eddie works to improve logging practices on the ground and at a provincial level, he works on old growth protection, caribou recovery, recreation and land-use planning. 

Eddie has a passion for wild places, adventure, and telling stories about the people, critters, and landscapes of “home”, the Kootenay and Columbia region.

Twitter: @eddie_petryshen

Eddie's work

Wildsight works collaboratively to expand protection for the Purcell region, making sure that wildlife can freely and safely roam, water runs clean and clear from… Read More 
Wildsight works to influence forestry planning and practices in our region so that both humans and nature can thrive. Read More 
Ancient cedar-hemlock hangs above thickets of lush ferns and sprawling devil's club. A plethora of rare lichens and mosses shade the rich soils… Read More 
Southern mountain caribou have been here in B.C. since the last ice age over 10,000 years ago, but they have been steadily declining in B.C.’s Inland Temperate Rainforest — from 2500 in the late 1990s to 1250 today. Read More