Green Your Home 101: Reducing Building Emissions Webinar

A Webinar with thinkBright Homes and Kootenay Solar

Whether you are thinking about renovation, retrofitting, or building a new home, the presentation from thinkBright Homes will help you learn about how to keep your home’s energy demand and your GHGs low. Meanwhile, Kootenay Solar will present on all things solar energy — from what it is, to the benefits of having solar panels, in the hopes of inspiring you to make the switch to a renewable energy source for your home.

This webinar is part of the second step of our Climate Pledge program, focused on reducing the emissions from buildings. In Canada, this is critical, as building emissions account for 13% of all greenhouse gas emissions nationwide.

Fortunately, there are affordable and accessible changes that you can make in your own home to reduce these emissions, while also saving yourself money in the long term. This webinar will serve as a helpful starting point for those looking to ‘green’ their homes by providing you with realistic options that you can tackle to make your home more energy efficient and reduce your personal building emissions profile.