2,300 say no to Zincton

Photo: Douglas Noblet / Wild Air Photo

Thanks to you, the provincial government will think twice before giving the green light to yet another ski resort in our over-impacted mountains.

A developer wants to build a ski resort in the West Kootenay’s Selkirk Mountains. The proposal for the Zincton ski resort, between Kaslo and New Denver, would cover 55 square kilometres of the mountains north of Highway 31A, bordering Goat Range Provincial Park. 

The Province asked for input on the proposed resort, and you responded in droves. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development told The Valley Voice, a West Kootenay newspaper, they received approximately 3,000 email submissions during the public comment period.

WIldsight and Jumbo Wild supporters alone sent more than 2,300 of those submissions. You stood up and made your voice heard!

Douglas Noblet / Wild Air Photography

The strong message you sent to the Province is you want to keep the Central Selkirks wild. Wildlife are already being overrun, habitats are overstrained from too much human activity, and the fragile balance in our ecosystem is tipping. Imposing a new ski resort to the mix would weigh down the chances of wildlife’s survival even further.

From grizzlies and wolverines to mountain goats and even western toads, the Central Selkirk Mountains is home to many species. If approved, the Zincton resort would fragment a key grizzly bear and wolverine corridor, and destroy mountain goat habitat.

A summary of the public review and comment period will be made publicly available, according to the spokesperson, once the submissions have been reviewed. And we’ll be there to share with you the next steps in this process.

Thanks to you, those comments will overwhelmingly tell the Province to say no to Zincton, and say yes to protecting our wild places and the wildlife that roam them. Your voice matters; thanks for speaking up.