Everything Conrad Kain with the Rocky Mountain Naturalists and Wildsight!

Conrad Kain in Canadian Rockies and Purcell Mountain Range



As a precursor to a Conrad Kain centered evening at the Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook AGM, the Rocky Mountain Naturalists will be leading an easy 2 hour hike to the final resting place of Kain and his wife. On Saturday April 1st starting at 1PM$2 fee will get you a look at native plants and trees, migrating birds and Conrad Kain information with local naturalist Daryl Calder. Those interested in the hike should meet at the Old Cranbrook Cemetary and come prepared with binoculars, water, snacks and if possible a camera.


On Friday April 7th starting at 7:30pm the free Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook AGM and Evening with Pat Morrow will start up at Centre 64 in Kimberley. The short annual general meeting will then lead into an insightful presentation on pioneer mountain guide Conrad Kain’s legacy by Kootenay photographer Pat Morrow, followed by the showing of Hobnails and Hemp Rope. Pat’s presentation will include photos of Kain’s first ascents in New Zealand taken during a recent tour of the Southern Alps. And the short documentary film closing the evening will provide a historical reenactment of the groundbreaking 1916 Bugaboo Spire ascent. The four amateur mountaineers in the film even enlisted circa 1900 gear for the climb, literally putting them in the shoes of Conrad Kain!

Josh Bennison dismounts from the au chaval ride in fine style near top of Conrad Kain’s route on Mt Wakefield (aka “Guides Route”) . Kain also put up a new route on Mt Sefton (during its fifth ascent), directly behind Josh, and made first ascents of Maunga Ma, Eagle and Thompson peaks in cloud to viewer’s left. Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park, New Zealand