Know Your Neighbour: Joe Lucas


Tell us about yourself…

While I grew up in Ontario, I have spent most of my life in BC. Upon graduating from Queen’s, I packed everything I owned in a backpack and bought a one-way ticket to Vancouver. I’ve been hiking the mountains of BC since 1980: Vancouver Island, Whistler and Invermere. After retiring from teaching senior math at David Thompson S.S. I have had more time to enjoy the numerous outdoor activities this area has to offer, with a few trips to the south-western part of the US now and then. I am an avid photographer and I try to record my adventures as best as possible in photographs.

What brings you to the Valley?

In 1992 I was looking to get out of Whistler when a job in Invermere came up.  The opportunity of living in a small town in the middle of such a spectacular setting was not one I was going to pass up, and I have certainly not regretted the decision; the area offered everything that I wanted. I love living in Invermere and cannot think of a better place to live. After 25 years living here, and having a local coffee named after me (Hoodoo Jo), I might even be considered a local now.

How are you connected Wildsight?

I know many people involved with Wildsight, I think it is a great organization and value the work these people do. I have been more involved with Summit Trail Makers Society but there are lots of ways to be involved in the many worthwhile organizations in the area, and Wildsight is certainly one that deserves any support I can give it.


Know Your Neighbour is a re-occurring feature in the Invermere Branch newsletter, a newsletter you can sign-up for by clicking the GET UPDATES link at the top the page. If you’re a Wildsight member you may already receive our newsletters, if you’re not a Wildsight member you can join our community over here.