Feb 23, 2018, Golden Senior’s Centre, 1401 9 St S, Golden, BC
1. 7:00pm Call to Order
2. Welcoming remarks
3. Approval of agenda
4. Approval of AGM 2017 Minutes
5. Presentation and approval of audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017.
6. Special Resolutions 1 and 2: The new BC Society Act came in to effect in November 2016 and requires that we update our constitution and bylaws by November 2018.
Special Resolution 1: To amend Wildsight’s Constitution to come in-line with the new BC Society Act 2016 to read:
Wildsight Constitution
1. The name of the society is Wildsight.
2. The purposes of the Society are: a) to promote the maintenance of a healthy, liveable environment for all life; b) to prevent and eliminate pollution; c) to promote conservation; d) to assist others in the pursuit of environmental conservation; e) to investigate, study and correlate facts with respect to ecological and pollution problems and make available such studies to the general public; f) to develop strategies for the long term viability of our community in harmony with above purposes.
Special Resolution 2: To amend Wildsight’s Bylaws, with the addition of the following 3 bylaws (for reference, current bylaws can be viewed here.)
Wildsight Bylaws, Section 15: Operations
15.1. The operations of the Society shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the Society shall be used in promoting the purposes of the Society.
15.2 In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the Society, any funds and assets of the Society remaining after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities, shall be given or transferred to such organizations concerned with environmental conservation problems or organizations promoting the same objectives of this Society, as may be determined by the members of the Society at the time of winding up or dissolution. In the event that the foregoing provisions cannot be effected, then such funds shall be given or transferred to some other organizations, provided that such organizations referred to in this article shall be a charitable organization, a charitable corporation, or a charitable trust recognized by the Department of National Revenue of Canada as being qualified as such under the provisions of the Income Tax Act of Canada from time to time in effect.
15.3 Articles 15.1 and 15.2 of these bylaws are unalterable in accordance with section 22 of the Societies Act.
7. Election of Regional Directors
Current slate for election for a two-year term:
Casey Brennan
Annette Lutterman
Stefanie Falz
Lesley Giroday
Brian Conrad
Margie Jamieson
Board members with one year of their two-year term remaining: (no election required)
Jim Smith
Tanna Patterson
Morgan Blakley
8. Program Highlights for the year
9. Meeting Adjourns
March 20, 2017 – Soulfood, Cranbrook
Present: Brian Conrad, Robyn Duncan, Baiba Morrow, John Bergenske, Lars Sander‐
Green, Ryland Nelson, Jim Smith, Casey Brennan, Tamara Mercandelli, Jeremy Sroka,
Lorraine Alderson, Dean Chatterson, Eddie Petryshen, Tanna Patterson, Todd
Larsen, Susan Walp, Gerry Warner, Dirk de Geus, Stephanie Hirn
Meeting chaired by: Brian Conrad, Regional Council Chair, Minutes taken by: Lars
Call to Order: 7:13pm
1. Welcoming remarks: Brian Conrad
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve agenda by Casey Brennan, seconded by
Jim Smith; no discussion; motion carried unanimously.
3. Approval of 2016 AGM minutes with one amended date change: Motion by Baiba
Morrow; seconded by Dean Chatterson; motion carried unanimously.
4. Presentation and approval of audited financial statements for the year ending
September 2016: Presented by Robyn Duncan, ED on behalf of Morgan Blakely,
Treasurer. Discussion of financials. Motion to approve the financial statements by
Gerry Warner, seconded by Casey Brennan; motion carried unanimously.
5. Election of regional council directors:
One year remaining in two year term: Brian Conrad, Annette Lutterman, Baiba
Morrow, Margie Jamieson, Brian Clarkson
Nominations for a two year term: Morgan Blakely, Jim Smith, Tanna Patterson
Brian Conrad called three times for nominations, none received.
Motion by Baiba Morrow to approve nomination slate as presented; seconded by
Casey Brennan; motion carried unanimously.
6. Program highlights for the year presented by Lars Sander‐Green and looking
forward by Robyn Duncan. Discussion.
7. Meeting Adjourned 7:46pm. Moved by Casey Brennan, Seconded by Eddie
Petryshen, motion carried unanimously.