Mary Cosman

Branch Board Director
Elk Valley Branch
Mary Cosman has been a grower-member of Seeds of Diversity Canada since the early 1990s. She was a member of the Prince George Community Garden while living there, and has been a director of Fernie’s Community EcoGarden since moving here in 2005. While in Prince George she led herb-growing workshops and, after relocating to Fernie, helped to organize and lead the EcoGarden’s Keeping Food Real series of workshops from 2011 to 2015. She has continued to offer seed saving workshops at the EcoGarden every summer and has coordinated the annual Seed Swaps since 2005. She has coordinated Wildsight Elk Valley’s Garden to Market program which gives local gardeners a place for selling their excess produce at Fernie’s summer Mountain Market. Currently, she is working on the development of a Seed Library in Fernie.