Brian Churchill

Branch Board President
Creston Valley Branch
Brian grew up in Cranbrook and was thrilled in 2011 to return to the Kootenays and call Creston home. He has a MSc in Forestry Wildlife and had a career as a Wildlife Biologist for BC Government in Fort St. John followed by 15 years of consulting as an ungulate habitat specialist. Brian “enjoyed” a prominent role in NE Coal and later led northern Land use plans with the government especially the creation of the special Muskwa-Kechika Management Area including Dune Za Keyih, Northern Rocky Mountains, Redfern Keily, Kakwa and Graham Laurier Provincial Parks. Brian served as Coordinator for the M-K board, Director for Y2Y and expert witness for BC Nature in the Northern Gateway Pipeline hearings. Enjoying the outdoors since a first experience as a child at West Creston fostered his passion for the environment, birds, river travel, fishing and hunting. He has been involved in conservation biology and wildlife research projects including swans, mountain goats, caribou, moose, elk, deer and grizzly bear.