Annette Luttermann

Golden Branch
As a consulting boreal river ecologist, Annette Luttermann works with Aboriginal communities across Canada primarily investigating the cumulative environmental effects of large hydroelectric developments. Annette holds an interdisciplinary PhD from Dalhousie University where her research focused on the historical effects of dams and impoundments on riparian habitats of the Churchill River in Labrador. Her Masters in Environmental Studies focused on inter-jurisdictional land management issues within the range of the migratory George River caribou herd on the Labrador/Ungava peninsula.
Annette also holds a BA in cultural anthropology from McGill University where she worked on health care and cross-cultural communication with Inuit in northern Québec and Baffin Island.
Annette has been interested in conservation and protected areas for many years. She was a founding member of the Board of CPAWS Nova Scotia, and has worked as a natural history interpreter at Gros Morne National Park.