Wings Over the Rockies 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016 - Saturday, May 14, 2016
Invermere Branch, Golden Branch

The theme of this year’s Wings Over the Rockies festival, in and around Invermere, is Reflections on Water. The schedule is action-packed and Wildsight is proud to be hosting several events!

Monday, May 9th

Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey with Rachel Darvill

Wildsight Golden’s Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey (CWWS) utilizes keen citizen-scientists to gather valuable bird data. Join CWWS’s program biologist Rachel Darvill to view waterbirds and to learn more about the program that is collecting useful waterbird inventory data during both spring and fall migrations.

Time: Noon to 1:30 pm


COST: $15.00

Wednesday, May 11th

Living Lakes Canada – Citizen Science and Beyond! – Heather Leschied

Following a presentation, participants will have a hands-on opportunity to collect citizen science data on aquifer availability (groundwater quantity), and benthic macroinvertebrates (bugs that live along the water bottom), and fish ecology (well, fish). Federally certified instructors will demonstrate methods for water science data collection, understanding watershed health, and provide real-life examples of the application of citizen science for decision making.

Time: Noon to 3:00 pm

LOCATION: Spirits Reach Columbia Lake

COST: $35.00

Thursday, May 12th – Friday, May 13th

LakeKeepers Workshop – Heather Leschied, Rick Nordin & David Schindler (two-day Workshop)

Co-led by Heather Leschied of Living Lakes Canada, Rick Nordin of the BC Lake Stewardship Society, and world-renowned scientist Dr. David Schindler, this workshop is for the curious, passionate and emerging lake steward. LakeKeepers certification incorporates both classroom and on-water lessons, including limnology (the study of freshwater), water monitoring skills, and understanding results. Participants will gain the knowledge and confidence to participate in lake monitoring programs, caring for the lakes they love.

Day 1: Thursday, May 12th from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Day 2: Friday, May 13th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

LOCATION: Spirits Reach Columbia Lake

COST: $60.00 1.5 days total

  • Day 1 Am – classroom (Columbia Ridge Community Hall)
  • Day 1 Pm – 2 pontoon boats, lifebjackets (via Spirits Reach)
  • Day 2 Am – in depth look at samples, results, interpretation (Columbia Ridge Community Hall)

Friday, May 13th

Lake Enid: Finding a Balance with Phil Burke & Baiba Morrow (Hosted by Wildsight Invermere)

With its spectacular mountain backdrop, Lake Enid has long been a favourite recreation site for locals and visitors alike. Consequently, heavy motorized use has damaged the sensitive grasslands and bogs. Join longtime range agrologist, Phil Burke, on an interpretive walk of the area and find out how the efforts of our local environmental group, Wildsight, have transformed a damaged riparian area with their Lake Enid Restoration Project.

Time: 10:00 am to 12:30pm

LOCATION: Lake Enid area

COST: $20.00

Saturday, May 14th

Lake Enid Family Walk with Kim Urbaniak (Hosted by Wildsight Invermere)

Connect with Nature and your kids and at the same time! Join Wildsight Invermere’s Kim Urbaniak at Lake Enid on a playful guided walk geared for young families. We will explore our surroundings, play some games, and make a craft to take home. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Time: 10:00 am to Noon

LOCATION: Lake Enid area

COST: $10.00 – under 5 Free

Saturday, May 14th

Water Wonders with Wildsight’s Education Team

It lives in lakes, rivers and seas, when it’s cold, it floats, when it’s hot it’s free! What is it? Water! Join Wildsight’s Education Team to learn about the wonders of water. Try experiments, play games, and solve mysteries to discover this most precious and magical of substances! Ages 8 and up (younger kids bring a parent).

TIme: 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm

LOCATION: Invermere

COST: $10.00 – under 5 Free

Find out more information about the festival and register online.