Join us for an exciting evening with Creston’s Outdoor Photography Show where local photographers will present pictures of stunning scenery.
The event will be held at Kootenay River Secondary School Auditorium (KRSS) on Saturday January 27, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission at the door $15, and $5 for youth under 18. Early bird tickets $10 for adults available until January 20th.
Local Colours features photographers and storytellers Jesse Moreton, Norm Allard, Lindsay Donald and Robin Louie. Come for an adventure through photos of breathtaking hikes, alpine flowers, not-so-local big cats of Africa and stories of kokanee. We hope to see you there!
Wildlife Print and Bird Guide Raffle
We will also be selling raffle tickets at the event for the chance to win two wonderful prizes. Prizes include a Limited Edition: “Angel Eyes” leopard cub metal print by Lindsay Donald 24” x 36” and ‘A Passion for Birds: their life in the Creston Valley’ bird guide by Linda Van Damme. The draw will take place on April 10th 2024. Tickets $5 for 1 ticket, or $10 for 3 tickets. For more information go here. All proceeds will be used by Wildsight Creston Valley to do conservation work and community outreach.

Photographer and Storytellers:
Lindsay Donald is an international award-winning wildlife photographer. Originally from Scotland, he has a degree in zoology and animal behavior from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom. Lindsay started taking photographs to illustrate animal behavior for a research project in the late 1970’s. He has travelled the world in search of amazing wildlife images. In North America he travels from Florida to Alaska and makes frequent visits to Africa including Botswana, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe & Zambia. His talk this year will feature images from Africa this with a particular emphasis on big cats. So if you like cats be sure to come to this presentation. In any case, the images will show warm sunny weather while we are in the middle of winter here in the Creston Valley.
Robin Louie is from the community of Yaqan Nuʔkiy and enjoys using the land between the two arches just as his family before him since time immemorial. He shares the culture of the land in hopes for people to understand how to care for the land so that our future generations can enjoy it too.
Norm Allard has managed large scale wetland, river/stream and riparian restoration projects for over a decade. He enjoys environmental work and seeks to practice and continually improve what he’s learned. Norm uses landscape scale projects to help understand how to restore habitat for a better future.
Jesse Moreton is still taking the road less travelled and bringing back souvenirs in picture form. As with previous shows, his presentation will be a mosaic composed by the mountain peaks and meadows visited throughout the year. His focal point will document an ascent of Blockhead Mountain, accessed from an almost forgotten corner of Glacier Creek. Other photos will feature outings in the Southern Purcells and Rockies and maybe, just maybe some not-so-local colours from an earlier summer trip to Alaska.